Spriggan follows the story of Yu Ominae, an elite operative of the Arkham Institute, a secret organization that specializes in the protection of ancient artifacts. He is tasked with retrieving one of the most powerful relics in human history called the Ark, an ancient machine that can manipulate energy and time.

As Yu begins his mission, he encounters a group of highly trained soldiers from his own country, who have defected and joined hands with foreign military organizations to steal the Ark. The race to acquire the artifact leads Yu and his team to various locations worldwide, from the ruins of the pre-Columbian civilization in Mexico to the snow-capped mountain ranges of Turkey.

Along the way, Yu meets various allies and enemies, including an ambitious American archaeologist, a group of ancient alien beings, and a rogue Russian military unit. However, Yu learns that his mission is more complex and dangerous than he originally thought, as he uncovers a sinister conspiracy that could endanger the entire world.

In an effort to save humanity and prevent the Ark from falling into the wrong hands, Yu engages in breathtaking battles against his adversaries, using his superhuman strength, speed, and combat skills. The movie culminates in an epic showdown between the Arkham Institute and the military forces, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance.

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