Elsa and Clive are scientists working for a big pharmaceutical company, but they are frustrated by the limitations they face in their research. They decide to go rogue and engage in their own experiment to splice human and animal DNA in order to create a hybrid organism that could have incredible medical applications.

They begin by using animal DNA but eventually move on to human DNA, which leads to the creation of Dren. At first, she seems like a miraculous breakthrough, as she grows at an accelerated rate and has both animal and human features - including wings - that could lead to new treatments for genetic diseases.

However, as Dren continues to develop, she becomes more independent and unpredictable, and Elsa and Clive struggle to control her. Dren begins to show violent and aggressive tendencies, attacking both humans and animals, and Elsa and Clive are forced to hide her away in a barn.

As Dren grows more powerful and dangerous, Elsa and Clive are forced to consider drastic measures to stop her. But they discover that they are too emotionally invested in Dren, as she has become like a child to them, to make a rational decision.

In the end, Dren's violent and unpredictable behavior ultimately leads to her demise, but Elsa and Clive are left to deal with the consequences of their reckless and unethical experiment. The movie raises questions about the dangers of playing god with genetic engineering and the ethical implications of scientific experimentation.

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