Spitfire is a high-octane action movie that follows the story of a beautiful and highly skilled assassin named Sheila Sommers. Sheila is being pursued by two separate operatives who are both determined to bring her to justice. The first is a charismatic MI6 agent named James Harker, who has been tasked with apprehending her and bringing her back to London to stand trial for her crimes. The second is a gritty American bounty hunter named Jack Frame, who has been hired by a powerful drug lord to eliminate her before she can expose his operation.

The movie takes the audience on a thrilling ride across the globe, with locations including the exotic beauty of the Bahamas, the ancient streets of Athens, the historical landmarks of Rome, and the chaotic frenzy of Hong Kong. As the chase heats up, the two operatives, Harker and Frame, find themselves in a dangerous game of cat and mouse with Sheila, each using their unique skills and resources to try and outsmart her.

The action-packed scenes in Spitfire are expertly crafted, with intense fight sequences and stunning aerial shots. The movie also boasts a star-studded cast, with talented actors playing key roles in the plot. Sheila is portrayed by the gorgeous and talented actress Angelina Jolie, while James Harker is played by the suave and debonair Pierce Brosnan. Jack Frame, the no-nonsense bounty hunter, is embodied by the legendary action hero Bruce Willis.

Overall, Spitfire is a pulse-pounding action movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. With a gripping plot, stunning visuals, and top-notch acting, it's a must-see for fans of the genre.

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