Spinning Man is a psychological thriller film released in 2018 and directed by Simon Kaijser. The film stars Pierce Brosnan as Evan Birch, a prominent philosophy professor at a prestigious university, who becomes the prime suspect in a missing person investigation.

The story revolves around the disappearance of a female student at the college campus where Evan teaches. Detective Malloy, played by Guy Pearce, is assigned to the case and starts investigating Evan's involvement in the disappearance. As the investigation progresses, Evan's life starts to unravel, and his family and career are at stake.

Evan's wife, Ellen Birch, played by Minnie Driver, tries to stand by her husband, but she starts to have doubts about his innocence. Evan's relationship with his daughter, who is suffering from an eating disorder, also adds to the tension in the family.

The film's plot twists keep audiences guessing who is responsible for the missing student's disappearance. It explores themes of morality, philosophy, and family relationships, making it not only a thriller but also a thought-provoking film.

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