Spell is a horror-thriller film directed by Mark Tonderai and released in 2020. The movie follows the story of Marquis T. Woods, played by Omari Hardwick, who is a successful lawyer living in the big city with his wife and children. When his father dies in rural Appalachia, Marquis decides to take his family to attend the funeral. However, during the return trip, their private plane crashes in the mountains, leaving Marquis as the only survivor.

Marquis wakes up in an unfamiliar cabin, with an elderly couple named Eloise and Earl, played by Loretta Devine and John Beasley respectively, claiming to have saved his life. They are kind, but something feels off to Marquis, who starts to notice strange things happening in the cabin where he's recovering. He attempts to leave the cabin and find his family, but is injured and weakened, and is convinced by the couple to stay and heal.

Slowly but surely, Marquis realizes that there is more to Eloise and Earl than meets the eye. They have their own beliefs, customs, and magical practices rooted in ancient traditions passed down through generations. Marquis learns that the couple may not be the benevolent caretakers they initially appeared to be, and he must use all his wits and courage to escape their clutches and find his way back to civilization.

Spell is a tense, atmospheric film that combines elements of horror, mystery, and suspense to create a thrilling experience for viewers. It features strong performances from its cast, particularly Hardwick, Devine, and Beasley. The film also explores themes of cultural identity, tradition, and the power of belief in a way that is both thought-provoking and entertaining. Overall, it is a gripping story that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

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