The movie Special follows Alistair and Jamie as they play a deadly game with the vulnerable and marginalized members of society. Their latest target is Sean Macdonald, a young teenager living with his sister on a rough housing estate in Edinburgh. Sean agrees to play the game for cash, unaware of the true consequences.

As the game begins, Sean finds himself constantly on the run from Alistair and Jamie, who use their unlimited resources to track him down. As the day progresses, Sean realizes that the stakes are much higher than he initially thought. With his life on the line, Sean must outwit and outmaneuver his pursuers if he wants to survive.

Throughout the movie, the audience is given a glimpse into the decadent and privileged world of Alistair and Jamie, who use their wealth to indulge in their depraved games. As the movie progresses, the audience is forced to confront uncomfortable questions about the morality of their actions and the privilege that allows them to indulge in such behavior.

In the end, Special is a tense and gripping thriller that shines a light on the corrupting influence of wealth and power. It is a cautionary tale that reminds us of the importance of empathy and compassion, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

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