South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut is a 1999 animated musical comedy film based on the television series South Park. The film follows the story of four boys, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny, who sneak into an R-rated movie featuring Canadian comedians, Terrance and Philip.

After watching the movie, the boys learn several new curse words and begin using them regularly. This leads to their parents and the town's parents protest, demanding that Terrance and Philip be banned from the United States. However, the Canadian government refuses to comply, and this triggers a war between the two countries.

The South Park boys soon realize that the war is not what they expected, and they set out to rescue Terrance and Philip, who have been captured and sentenced to death. Along the way, the boys encounter Satan, Saddam Hussein, and a host of other hilarious characters in a series of musical numbers.

As the film comes to a close, the war is eventually resolved, and the boys learn the consequences of their actions. South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut is not only a hilarious satire that pokes fun at American culture and politics but also a commentary on censorship and the power of media.

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