In Sorority Wars, Katie (played by Lucy Hale) is pressured by her mother Lutie (played by Faith Ford) to join the Delta sorority at her college, just as Lutie did when she was in college. However, Katie is interested in exploring other possibilities and joins the Kappa sorority instead. This decision causes tension between Katie and Lutie, as well as between the Delta and Kappa sororities.

As Katie gets more involved in Kappa, she realizes that the sorority has a strong focus on philanthropy and giving back to the community, which she finds more meaningful than the exclusive and competitive culture of the Delta sorority. However, the Deltas see Kappa's rise in popularity as a threat to their own position on campus and begin launching a series of attacks to sabotage Kappa and push them out of the spotlight.

The tensions between the two sororities escalate into an all-out war, with pranks, schemes, and manipulations on both sides. Katie finds herself torn between her loyalty to Kappa and her desire to please her mother and maintain the family tradition of joining Delta.

Ultimately, Sorority Wars explores themes of identity, tradition, and the pressures of fitting in, as Katie navigates the world of college Greek life and learns to stand up for herself and her beliefs.

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