Stingo, a young aspiring writer from the south, moves to Brooklyn, New York to pursue his dreams of becoming a writer. He settles into a boarding house and strikes up a friendship with his neighbors, Polish immigrant Sophie Zawistowski and her charismatic and unpredictable lover, Nathan Landau.

Sophie is haunted by her past and reveals to Stingo that she is a survivor of the Holocaust. As she begins to open up to Stingo about her experiences, he learns about the unspeakable horrors she faced, including the loss of her two children and her relationship with a Nazi officer.

Meanwhile, Nathan's behavior grows increasingly erratic and intense, as he struggles with his own demons and mental illness. Stingo becomes increasingly concerned for Sophie's safety as Nathan becomes physically and emotionally abusive.

As Sophie's relationship with Nathan continues to deteriorate, Stingo becomes more and more drawn to her, falling in love with her despite the fact that he knows she will never be able to fully escape her past. In a heartbreaking scene, Sophie is forced to make an impossible choice between her two children.

Sophie's Choice is a riveting and emotionally devastating film that explores themes of trauma, loss, and the enduring power of love. Meryl Streep's performance as Sophie is widely regarded as one of the greatest in cinema history.

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