Sons of Perdition

Documentary  N/A 

Sons of Perdition is a documentary film that explores the lives of teenage boys who have escaped from polygamous communities in the western United States, specifically those who have been cast out from the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS).

The film follows three boys — Joe, Bruce, and Sam — as they navigate their way through a world they were raised to fear and distrust. They have been raised in a culture that is closed off from the outside world and where polygamy is not only accepted, but encouraged.

The boys have fled from polygamous communities in Utah and Arizona, and are now living in Utah with a group of other ex-FLDS members who have come together to form a support network. The boys face significant challenges in adjusting to mainstream American life, such as getting an education, finding a job, and learning how to interact with people outside of their strict, insular community.

The film provides a deep dive into the inner workings of these polygamous communities, and how they instill fear in their members to keep them in line. It also explores the abuse that is often present within these communities, particularly towards women and children.

Overall, Sons of Perdition is a powerful and thought-provoking film that sheds light on an often-overlooked corner of American society. It highlights the bravery and resilience of these teenage boys who have had the courage to break free from a life that they were born into and to forge a new path for themselves.

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