Someone's Watching Me! is a 1978 thriller film directed by John Carpenter. The plot revolves around a woman named Leigh Michaels (Lauren Hutton), who has recently moved to Los Angeles from New York City. She gets a job as a television director and settles into her new apartment high up in a high-rise building.

One day, Leigh starts receiving strange phone calls from an unknown man who claims to be watching her. He starts tormenting her, leaving cryptic messages and sometimes just breathing heavily into the phone. Leigh is frightened but initially thinks it might just be a prank. But as the calls continue and she starts noticing strange occurrences in her apartment, she realizes that she is in real danger.

Leigh hires a private investigator named Paul (David Birney) to help her track down the caller. Paul finds some leads, and it becomes apparent that the caller is a stalker who is obsessed with Leigh. Meanwhile, Leigh does her own investigation and discovers that the stalker's motives are tied to a television show that she worked on in New York.

As Leigh and Paul work together to catch the stalker, the tension builds, and the cat-and-mouse game between Leigh and the stalker becomes more intense. Ultimately, the film culminates in a thrilling showdown between Leigh, Paul, and the stalker that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.

Someone's Watching Me! is a tense and suspenseful thriller that is characterized by Carpenter's signature low-budget filmmaking style. The film features a strong performance by Hutton, who portrays the fear and anxiety of an innocent woman being stalked to perfection.

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