Society is a horror-comedy film directed by Brian Yuzna, and released in 1989. The movie follows the affluent Beverly Hills teenager, Bill Whitney, as he begins to suspect something odd about his wealthy parents and their high-society friends. As he delves deeper into his suspicions, he realizes that his parents and their associates are part of a secret cult that indulge in orgies, which consist of merging themselves with one another in a grotesque and otherworldly manner.

At first, Bill has trouble reconciling the surreal events he witnesses with reality. He tries to convince his therapist and other authority figures, but nobody believes him. Meanwhile, Bill's relationship with his girlfriend, Clarissa, becomes strained, as she fails to understand the emotions he is going through.

Eventually, Bill uncovers the shocking truth: the elite cult members are not entirely human, but a separate race that exists as amoeba-like beings capable of shape-shifting and assimilating human bodies. Society's climax sees Bill, Clarissa and their friends try to escape the cult's clutches in a brutally violent, body horror-filled finale.

While initially panned by critics and audiences alike, the film has gained a cult following in recent years for its satirical commentary on class divides and institutionalized privilege, as well as its gruesome and surreal visuals.

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