Snowtown is a 2011 Australian crime drama film directed by Justin Kurzel and based on the infamous "Bodies in Barrels" murders that occurred in South Australia between 1992 and 1999. The film is a harrowing portrayal of the relationship between 16-year-old Jamie Vlassakis (played by Lucas Pittaway) and John Bunting (played by Daniel Henshall), his mother's new partner and the leader of a group of vigilantes that take it upon themselves to rid their neighborhood of what they see as undesirable elements.

As Jamie becomes increasingly drawn into Bunting's world, he is gradually exposed to the group's violent tendencies and their willingness to exact brutal revenge on anyone deemed to be a threat to their community. The film depicts a series of horrific murders and acts of torture that are carried out by Bunting and his followers, including Jamie and his half-brother Troy.

Snowtown is a confronting and disturbing film that explores the themes of violence, abuse, and manipulation. It has been praised for its raw and honest portrayal of the real-life events it depicts, as well as its powerful performances and bleak atmosphere. The film has won numerous awards and accolades, including the Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival and the AACTA Award for Best Film. However, it has also been criticized for its graphic and explicit content, which some viewers may find difficult to watch.

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