The movie Sniper is a 1993 action thriller directed by Luis Llosa and starring Tom Berenger and Billy Zane. The film takes place during the Panamanian Conflict and follows the story of two elite snipers, Thomas Beckett and Richard Miller, who are sent on a mission to assassinate a powerful drug lord.

Beckett is a veteran sniper who has gained a reputation for being a lone wolf, as he often works alone and his partners end up getting killed during missions. Miller, on the other hand, is a young and ambitious marksman who is eager to prove himself to Beckett.

The two snipers are dropped in the Panamanian jungle and tasked with finding and taking out their target. However, their mission is complicated when they are discovered by a group of rebels who start hunting them down.

As the two soldiers navigate through the dangerous terrain, they encounter various obstacles and challenges, including an ambush and a rescue mission to save Miller from being taken hostage.

Throughout the movie, we learn about the personal struggles of both Beckett and Miller, who have to deal with the psychological toll of their job and the morality of killing another human being. Along the way, they develop a deep bond and sense of camaraderie as they rely on each other to survive.

In the end, Beckett and Miller successfully complete their mission and return to the United States as heroes. However, the price they have paid mentally and physically is evident in their haunted expressions.

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