The international terrorist cult that threatens global political stability is known as the New Dawn Movement, which has been gaining followers and secretly arming themselves for years. When they kidnap a fellow agent, Lady Death, the G.R.I.T. team discovers that the New Dawn Movement has a plan to overthrow governments worldwide and establish a new world order.

Brandon Beckett, a skilled sniper, is paired with Asha, a tech expert, and they travel to Malta to gather intel on the cult. They discover that the cult leader, known only as "The Master," is a charismatic and influential figure who has brainwashed his followers into believing in his ideology of societal cleansing.

As the G.R.I.T. team devises a plan to infiltrate the cult, they are hindered by their own personal demons, including Beckett's PTSD and Asha's guilt over a past event. However, they are able to overcome their issues and work together to rescue Lady Death and stop The Master's plan.

The team engages in intense gun battles and stealth missions as they make their way to the cult leader's compound. When they finally confront The Master, they discover that he has a powerful bomb set to detonate in a major city as a warning to governments worldwide.

Beckett and his team are able to disarm the bomb and take down The Master, but not before suffering losses. As they regroup and reflect on their mission and their personal growth, they vow to continue their work with G.R.I.T. to stop future global threats.

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