Snakes and Earrings is a Japanese drama film based on the novel of the same name by Hitomi Kanehara. The movie tells the story of Lui (Yuriko Yoshitaka), a young woman who becomes fascinated with body modification after meeting Ama (Kengo Kora), a troubled punk with a split tongue. After Ama's friend Shiba (Arata) pierces Lui's tongue, she becomes drawn into a world of underground body modification culture, where she meets a host of colorful characters who push the boundaries of self-expression.

As Lui navigates her new world, she finds herself falling for both Ama and Shiba, who are both heavily tattooed and pierced. Despite the danger and taboo of her desires, Lui becomes increasingly obsessed with pushing boundaries and exploring her own body through modification.

The film is dark and atmospheric, with a punk soundtrack and gritty visuals that capture the seedy underbelly of Tokyo's nightlife. As Lui's desires become more extreme, she risks losing herself completely to her new lifestyle and the men who represent it.

Overall, Snakes and Earrings is a provocative and thought-provoking exploration of self-expression and personal identity, with strong performances by the three leads. Fans of J-horror and body modification culture will find a lot to love in this dark and sensual drama.

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