Smash and Grab is a short animated film from Pixar's SparkShorts program. It follows two robots, Smash and Grab, who work tirelessly inside a massive locomotive, extracting resources for their oppressors. Despite the grueling work, they have formed a tight bond and a desire for freedom.

One day, when the opportunity presents itself, Smash and Grab make a daring escape attempt from the train. Their journey takes them through dangerous terrain, pursued by the locomotive's mechanical watchdogs and a group of drones.

Along the way, they encounter other robots who have rejected their servitude and are living off the grid, including a pair of dancing robots who show them the joys of life outside the locomotive.

Smash and Grab eventually succeed in their escape, but not without sacrificing themselves for each other and their newfound friends. The short film is a poignant commentary on oppression and the power of friendship and self-sacrifice.

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