Smallfoot is a 2018 American computer-animated musical comedy film produced by Warner Animation Group. The story centers around a fictional Yeti community known as the Stonekeeper's tribe, who live in the Himalayas. The tribe embraces a set of strict laws and rituals that are supposed to protect them from harm. But when a curious and adventure-seeking yeti named Migo encounters a human, he becomes obsessed with finding out what other creatures exist beyond their village.

Migo's discovery of the "smallfoot" (as the yetis call humans) is initially met with disbelief by his fellow yetis, who believe that humans are just a myth. But when Migo tries to convince the tribe that he saw a smallfoot, he is banished from the community as a traitor. Migo enlists the help of the stonekeeper's daughter, Meechee, and her friends to prove the existence of the smallfoot and clear his name.

Meanwhile, the human in question, named Percy, is a struggling television host trying to regain his fame with a sensational story about the yetis. Percy and Migo eventually cross paths and strike a deal to help each other. Percy gives Migo evidence to help prove the existence of smallfoot, and Migo helps Percy get a scoop on the story of a lifetime.

The film addresses themes of curiosity, acceptance, and friendship, while also encouraging viewers to question authority and to always seek the truth. The story is filled with catchy songs, humor, and heartwarming scenes, making it an enjoyable family film.

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