Small Engine Repair is a dramatic film directed by John Pollono, based on the play of the same name written by Pollono himself. The film revolves around three working-class lifelong friends, Frank, Swaino, and Packie, who reunite at Frank's small engine repair shop in Manchester, New Hampshire.

Frank (played by John Pollono), a former wild child turned responsible family man, owns and operates the small engine repair shop. Swaino (played by Jon Bernthal) is a volatile and impulsive man who has found solace in Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, and Packie (played by Shea Whigham) is a lovable but dim-witted guy who works as a bartender.

The trio's bond is tight-knit, and their friendship is anchored by their shared love and protectiveness for Frank's daughter, Crystal (played by Ciara Bravo), whom they helped raise since her mother died. When Chad (played by Spencer House), a wealthy college jock with an ulterior motive, comes to the repair shop seeking repairs for his car, he inadvertently sets off a chain reaction of events that threatens to shatter the trio's friendship and their lives.

Small Engine Repair is a character-driven film that explores themes of loyalty, regret, and the consequences of the past. It's a dark and twisty drama that packs an emotional punch and will keep the viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

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