Sleepwalkers is a horror movie released in 1992, directed by Mick Garris and written by Stephen King. The film follows the story of Charles Brady (Brian Krause) and his mother, Mary (Alice Krige), who are supernatural creatures called "Sleepwalkers". They are able to shape-shift into human form, but they feed on the life-force of young virgin women to stay alive.

The movie begins with Charles and Mary moving to a new town to escape detection. They pose as a mother and son on the run, but there are strange clues that hint at their true nature. Meanwhile, a teenage girl named Tanya Robertson (Madchen Amick) catches Charles's eye, and he sets his sights on making her his next victim.

Tanya is a shy and introverted girl, but she has a crush on a popular boy named Andy (Jim Haynie). When Charles sees Tanya with Andy, he becomes jealous and possessive, leading to a dramatic confrontation. Tanya begins to suspect that something is not quite right with Charles and his mother, especially when she sees them transform into their true form.

As Charles and Mary's plan to capture Tanya unfolds, a group of local cats (who are revealed to be supernatural guardians) join forces to stop them. The resulting battle is a mix of gore, humor, and horror, culminating in a satisfying conclusion.

Overall, Sleepwalkers is a creepy and entertaining horror movie, with a unique twist on the classic vampire mythos. The performances by Krause and Krige are excellent, and the film has a fun '90s flair that make it a worthy addition to the Stephen King canon.

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