SLC Punk is a 1998 American comedy-drama film directed by James Merendino. The film follows the life of two punks, Stevo (Matthew Lillard) and Bob (Michael A. Goorjian), who grew up as geeks in Salt Lake City, Utah, in the mid-1980s. They decide to leave their old personas behind and become punks, diving headfirst into the local punk scene.

As they immerse themselves in the punk lifestyle, they attend wild parties, battles with rival punk gangs, and try new drugs. Stevo, who narrates the film, reflects on his life and the meaning of punk rock as the two friends contemplate their future. Stevo, from a privileged family, struggles to reconcile his punk rock ideals with his comfortable upbringing.

Their unconventional lifestyle and refusal to conform to the norms of their society, such as getting day jobs and following societal rules, creates tension with their families and friends. Ultimately, Stevo and Bob must decide whether to continue their punk lifestyle or pursue more conventional paths.

The film is notable for its eclectic soundtrack featuring punk and alternative bands such as The Ramones, The Dead Kennedys, and Iggy Pop. The film was well-received by both critics and audiences and has since achieved cult status.

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