The movie Slaughterhouse Rulez follows Don Wallace, played by Finn Cole, as he enters Slaughterhouse, an exclusive boarding school in the English countryside. The school is known for producing the next generation of the wealthy and powerful elite. However, things take a turn for the worse when an underground fracking operation causes an ancient subterranean creature to awaken and go on a rampage.

The creature is a large, tentacled monster that is able to feed off and control the minds of its victims. As the body count starts to rise, Don and his fellow students must band together to fight for their survival while also exposing the corrupt and dangerous practices of the fracking company. Along the way, Don teams up with a teacher at the school, played by Asa Butterfield, and a group of rebellious students who have their own secrets to hide.

Slaughterhouse Rulez is directed by Crispian Mills and also stars Michael Sheen and Simon Pegg. The movie combines elements of horror, comedy, and social commentary to create a unique and thrilling experience that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.

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