Slash/Back is a sci-fi horror movie set in a remote Inuit community in the Arctic. The movie follows a group of young Inuit girls as they fight off an alien invasion that threatens the existence of their community. The girls, who are all best friends, must use their strength, wit and courage to save their families and their homes.

At the heart of Slash/Back is the story of the girls' friendship. They are all struggling with personal issues and challenges, but they band together to take on the aliens. The girls are led by the determined and resourceful Aisa, who is determined to protect her family at all costs. Along with her friends, Aisa sets out to save their community from the alien threat.

The movie also explores the unique Inuit culture and the challenges of life in the Arctic. The girls deal with issues such as poverty, isolation, and the threat of climate change. Despite these challenges, the girls are determined to have fun and live life to the fullest. They are all looking forward to the coolest party in town, and they refuse to let the alien invasion put a damper on their plans.

As the girls take on the aliens, they discover hidden strengths and abilities within themselves. They learn the importance of teamwork, courage, and self-confidence. Ultimately, they succeed in saving their community and making it to the party.

Slash/Back is a thrilling sci-fi adventure that combines horror, action, and friendship. It is a unique and captivating film that celebrates the strength and resilience of the Inuit people and their culture.

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