The movie Sketch Artist follows the story of Jack Whitfield, a police sketch artist who is known for his exceptional ability to create compelling sketches of suspects, using the descriptions provided by eyewitnesses. One day, he is called in to help a witness recall who she saw leaving the scene of a gruesome murder.

As Jack starts sketching, the witness becomes increasingly emotional, and it seems that she recognizes the perpetrator from the sketches. However, to Jack's shock, the person she describes is his own wife, Rayanne. He cannot believe that his loving and caring wife could commit such a heinous crime, and he is convinced that the witness is mistaken.

Determined to clear his wife's name, Jack decides to conduct his own investigation into the murder. He resketches the pictures to make them look different and begins to uncover a web of lies, deceit, and jealousy that lead him towards the real killer.

As he continues down this path, Jack's life begins to unravel, and he puts his own life on the line to clear his wife's name and bring the real murderer to justice. With time running out, Jack must race against the clock to solve the case before he becomes the next victim.

As the plot unfolds, viewers are taken on a gripping journey through the twists and turns of the investigation. The movie features strong performances from the cast, including Jeff Fahey as Jack Whitfield, Sean Young as Rayanne Whitfield, and Frank McRae as Lieutenant Samuels, Jack's boss and mentor.

Overall, Sketch Artist is a thrilling and suspenseful movie that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

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