Skater Girl follows the journey of Prerna, a teenage girl living in a rural Indian village. She lives with her family and helps them with their daily chores while attending a local school. Prerna's life changes when she meets Jessica, an American tourist who introduces her to the world of skateboarding. Prerna is instantly fascinated by the sport and practices every chance she gets.

Despite her family's initial disapproval, Prerna continues to pursue her passion for skateboarding, with the help of Jessica and a local boy named Ankush. Her dedication and hard work pay off when she is invited to participate in a national championship, where she competes against the best skateboarders in the country.

Prerna faces multiple obstacles along the way, from financial difficulties to societal pressures and gender stereotypes. However, she remains determined to follow her dreams and inspire other girls in her village to do the same.

The film addresses various themes, including gender inequality, the importance of education, and the power of friendship and determination. Skater Girl is a heartwarming, coming-of-age story that showcases the transformative power of sports and the resilience of the human spirit.

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