The movie Six Bridges to Cross is a crime drama that follows the life of young Jerry Florea, a small-time delinquent who turns into a big-time racketeer. The story is set in Boston and is based on the true events of the famous 1950 Brinks robbery.

The movie begins with Jerry as a young boy growing up in a tough neighborhood. He quickly learns how to survive on the streets and becomes involved in petty crimes. As he grows older, he becomes more involved in the criminal world and starts taking on bigger and more dangerous jobs.

Jerry becomes the leader of a gang of robbers and decides that the Brinks job is the ultimate score. He puts together a team of experienced criminals and meticulously plans the robbery. The plan involves crossing six different bridges in order to throw off the police pursuit.

The movie delves into the psychology of the perpetrators, showing how each individual is motivated by different factors, such as money, power, and status. It also explores the relationships between the members of the gang and how their loyalty is tested during the planning and execution of the robbery.

As the story unfolds, we see the intricate mechanics of the hold-up. The team works together to overcome various obstacles, including police surveillance and unexpected security measures. The tension builds as they finally carry out the robbery and escape with $2.5 million in cash.

The aftermath of the robbery is just as compelling as the planning and execution. The gang members are pursued by the police, and some are arrested while others are killed. Jerry faces difficult decisions as he tries to protect his friends and his own interests.

Overall, Six Bridges to Cross is a gripping crime drama that provides a fascinating look into the world of organized crime and the psychology of criminals. It is a well-written and well-acted movie that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats from beginning to end.

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