Sitting in Limbo

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Sitting in Limbo is a powerful drama film released in 2020 and directed by Stella Corradi. The movie follows the life of Anthony Bryan, a Jamaican man who has been living in the UK as a legal resident for over 50 years. However, when he applies for a new passport, he is shocked to receive a letter from the Government stating that he is an illegal immigrant, with no rights to work, health care or any kind of support.

As Anthony tries to fight this injustice, he faces a bureaucratic nightmare in a Home Office which is implementing illegal immigration policies known as "hostile environment." His life unravels as he loses his job, is separated from his family, and faces the real possibility of being deported back to Jamaica, a country he has no connections with anymore.

The movie also highlights the psychological impact of the hostile environment on Anthony's life. His mental health takes a turn for the worse as he falls into a state of depression and anxiety, and struggles to find anyone who will believe or support him.

Sitting in Limbo is a deeply moving portrayal of the consequences of an unjust system. It narrates the story of one man’s personal struggle but it also serves as a wider critique of the British Government’s handling of the Windrush scandal. The movie is a call to action to change how Black and ethnic minorities are treated in the UK and to never forget this shameful part of British history.

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