The movie "Simone: Woman of the Century" is a biographical drama that follows the remarkable life of Simone Veil, a French politician and women's rights activist. The film delves into the pivotal events of the twentieth century that shaped her journey and explores her personal and political battles, as well as the tragedies she faced.

The story begins with Simone Veil's childhood, where she grows up in a Jewish family in Nice, France. The film portrays her early years, revealing the impact of her family's experiences during World War II and the Holocaust, which deeply influenced her later activism and advocacy for human rights.

As Veil enters adulthood, the movie delves into her pursuit of education and professional success. It showcases her determination to excel academically and her decision to study law, a field dominated by men at the time. Her struggles to establish herself in a male-dominated profession and her relentless efforts to dismantle gender barriers become a significant part of her personal story.

Simone Veil's political journey takes center stage as the film progresses. It follows her rise in the political arena, starting with her appointment as Minister of Health under the French government. The movie portrays her iconic battle to legalize abortion, a fiercely contested issue that brings her face-to-face with a conservative and predominantly male establishment.

Amidst her political achievements, the film also powerfully depicts the personal tragedies Veil endured. This includes the loss of family members during the Holocaust, as well as her own experience of being imprisoned in Auschwitz during World War II. The movie emphasizes the immense strength and resilience she displayed in overcoming these traumas and how they fueled her dedication to fighting for justice and equality.

Throughout the film, Veil's unwavering commitment to her humanist message remains a central theme. The story emphasizes how she continuously challenged and transformed her era, using her political platform to advocate for a more inclusive society and defend the rights of marginalized groups.

As the epic portrait of Simone Veil unfolds, the movie highlights her lasting impact on French society and the world at large. It serves as a reminder of the importance of her legacy and the relevance of her humanist values in contemporary times.

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