The tattooed Interpol agent, Simon, is portrayed by Dennis Rodman, a former basketball player turned actor. As Simon teams up with his old classmate, a computer hacker named Nick, played by Dane Cook, they uncover a plot involving a group of terrorists who have kidnapped the daughter of a wealthy computer software tycoon.

Together, Simon and Nick race against time to track down the location of the kidnapped girl and stop the terrorists' evil plan. Along the way, they encounter a host of quirky characters, including a femme fatale played by Emma Wiklund, who may have ulterior motives of her own.

As the stakes continue to rise, Simon and Nick must rely on their wits, skills, and the help of a few unlikely allies to save the kidnapped girl and bring the terrorists to justice. The movie is a mix of action, comedy, and high-stakes drama, with plenty of twists and turns to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

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