Simon Killer is a psychological drama film directed by Antonio Campos. The film focuses on the story of Simon, a recent college graduate who travels to Paris after breaking up with his girlfriend. Simon is portrayed as a socially awkward and emotionally disturbed individual who is struggling to come to terms with his life.

In Paris, Simon meets a beautiful young prostitute named Marianne, with whom he becomes infatuated. Simon begins to form a relationship with Marianne and starts to frequent brothels, spending almost all of his money on her. Simon starts to take control of Marianne's life, manipulating her and becoming increasingly violent.

As the story progresses, it is revealed that Simon has a dark past involving sexual violence and aggression. He is forced to confront his past when Marianne discovers the truth about him and confronts him.

The film is distinct in its portrayal of mental illness and the struggles that come with it. The director explores the psyche of the disturbed character, creating a dark and complex narrative that keeps the viewers guessing until the very end. The cinematography is also noteworthy, with beautiful shots of the city of Paris, juxtaposed with the gritty reality of Simon's life.

Simon Killer has received critical acclaim for its excellent direction, storytelling, and acting. It offers a unique portrayal of a disturbed individual, exploring the complexities of human nature and the darker aspects of the human psyche, making it an engrossing watch.

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