In Silent Night, Fatal Night, after Mallory Dearborn, a renowned mystery writer, decides to end her successful detective franchise to focus on her personal life, her manager Michael becomes desperate for a big payday. Against Mallory's wishes, he takes her prisoner to ensure she continues writing. To convince the world that Mallory has passed away, Michael orchestrates a clever scheme.

During the holiday season, Mallory finds herself trapped in a secluded location, isolated from the outside world. With no means of escape, Mallory must now confront her worst nightmare, as she faces the daunting task of writing a posthumous novel under Michael's ruthless control.

As Mallory immerses herself in her writing, she cleverly weaves elements from her own life into the story, creating a gripping tale of suspense and mystery. Desperate to regain her freedom, she strategically plants evidence within the novel, signaling for help and leaving a breadcrumb trail for those who may be able to uncover her predicament.

While crafting her thrilling narrative, Mallory also uncovers shocking truths about her manager, Michael. With each word she writes, she grows more determined to expose his true nature and bring him to justice.

As the tension rises, Mallory's loved ones and fans begin to suspect foul play surrounding her supposed passing. An unconventional detective, who has long been a fan of Mallory's books, becomes obsessed with unraveling the mystery behind her disappearance. Clues and cryptic messages within Mallory's posthumous novel lead this detective closer to the truth, highlighting the importance of deciphering the truth between fiction and reality.

With time running out, Mallory must rely on her wits, creativity, and the allies she acquires along the way to orchestrate her escape from Michael's clutches. Will she be able to outsmart her captor and reveal the truth about her supposed demise, or will her own story become her tragic ending?

Silent Night, Fatal Night is a thrilling tale that explores the boundaries of reality and imagination, showcasing a writer's determination to regain freedom by turning her own life into the ultimate mystery.

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