Significant Other is a thriller movie written and directed by Nathaniel Atcheson. The film follows Ruth and Harry, a couple who set out on a romantic backpacking trip through the Pacific Northwest. While on their journey, Ruth makes an unexpected discovery that leads them down a dark and dangerous path.

As they trek deeper into the woods, the couple realizes they are not alone. Someone or something is following them, and they soon find themselves fighting for their survival. Ruth's unexpected discovery turns out to be something that threatens them both, and they must use all their strength and wit to make it out alive.

As the mystery unfolds, Ruth and Harry come face to face with their own vulnerabilities and the strains in their relationship. They must confront the fact that their journey together may not end in the conventional sense, and that their bond will forever be changed.

Significant Other is a tense and chilling thriller that explores the complexities of human relationships and the lengths people will go to protect themselves and those they love. The film is a gripping and unsettling look at the dark side of nature and the human psyche.

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