Shutter is a 2008 horror film directed by Masayuki Ochiai and is a remake of the 2004 Thai horror film of the same name. The story revolves around newlywed couple Ben and Jane, who move to Japan for Ben's job as a photographer. While driving home after a night out with friends, they hit a woman with their car but find no trace of her body.

As Ben starts developing the photos he took that night, he notices ghostly images in them, which only he can see. Jane dismisses them as camera malfunctions, but as more photos reveal the same ghostly image of a young girl, they visit an expert who tells them that such occurrences are a sign of a restless spirit seeking revenge.

As Ben delves deeper into the mystery, he discovers that the girl in the photos is Megumi Tanaka, a former colleague of his who died in what was deemed a suicide. Ben and Jane learn that their car accident was not an accident at all, and that Megumi's spirit is seeking revenge on those who wronged her.

With each new clue, Ben and Jane get closer to the truth, but also find themselves more exposed to the malevolent spirit. As they try to solve the mystery, they are being haunted by Megumi's spirit. In the end, they unravel the mystery of Megumi's death, but at a high cost.

Shutter is a chilling and suspenseful horror movie that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. It explores themes of vengeance, betrayal, and the consequences of deceit. The movie's climax is unexpected and haunting, leaving audiences with a sense of dread. With its eerie ambiance, clever use of visual effects, and chilling storytelling, Shutter is a must-watch for horror fans.

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