Shorts is a 2009 family comedy film directed by Robert Rodriguez. The movie follows a young boy named Toby Thompson (Jimmy Bennett) who discovers a magical rock that can grant wishes. However, chaos ensues in Toby's suburban town of Black Falls when various individuals, including his family, friends and neighbors, become obsessed with possessing the rock for themselves.

Toby tries to keep the rock a secret, but soon enough, the news of his discovery spreads like wildfire. Some kids at school turn to drastic measures, such as disguising themselves as aliens, to acquire the rock, while the adults of the town, including Toby's parents, use the rock for their own personal gain.

As the situation spirals out of control, Toby realizes that the rock has caused more harm than good. With the help of his friends, Toby decides to destroy the rock and put an end to the madness once and for all.

Along with Jimmy Bennett, Shorts stars Leslie Mann, Jon Cryer, William H. Macy, and James Spader. The movie received mixed reviews but was praised for its creative concept and lighthearted humor.

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