Shiri is a South Korean action-thriller film released in 1999. The film is centered around the North Korean Special Forces unit known as the 8th Special Forces, who hijack a shipment of CTX, a new and powerful liquid explosive, and threaten to use it to reunify North and South Korea. The CTX is designed to evade metal detectors, making it a highly effective tool for the terrorists.

The South Korean government dispatches Ryu and Lee, two special agents from the country's intelligence agency, O.P., to track down the terrorists and recover the CTX. As the two agents investigate the hijacking, they discover that the 8th Special Forces unit has a female sniper named Hee, who is skilled and ruthless.

As Ryu and Lee close in on the terrorists, Hee resurfaces and begins to attack the South Korean agents, creating chaos and confusion. Ryu and Lee soon realize that Hee has a personal connection with Ryu, which makes their job even more dangerous.

The film contains several intense action sequences, including gunfights, car chases, and hand-to-hand combat. The plot of the movie is driven by the ongoing conflict between North and South Korea and the desperation of the 8th Special Forces to reunify the divided country.

Overall, Shiri is a tense and exciting thriller that offers a glimpse into the intense political and military tensions between North and South Korea. It was a hit in South Korea and helped to launch the career of director Kang Je-gyu, who later directed other successful films such as Taegukgi: The Brotherhood of War and My Way.

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