Watch Shining Through Movie Review

Love and Espionage: Linda's Nazi Mission

Drama,Romance,Thriller  United Kingdom,United States of America 

Linda Voss is a secretary at a prestigious law firm in New York City when she meets Ed Leland, a charming lawyer and OSS operative. They develop a romantic relationship just as the United States enters World War II. Despite their differing backgrounds, Linda and Ed are drawn to each other and share a passion for justice and freedom.

When Ed is contacted by his OSS colleagues to go on a dangerous mission to Germany to obtain information about a secret German bomb project, Linda volunteers to go too. Her personal mission is to try to find out what happened to her family members who were left behind in Berlin when she emigrated to the United States years earlier.

Linda and Ed pose as a wealthy German couple and are able to infiltrate high society in Nazi Germany. They attend elaborate parties, schmooze with top military officials, and even visit a concentration camp, where they witness the horrors of the Nazi regime firsthand.

As Linda and Ed get closer to uncovering information about the German bomb project, they also become more aware of the danger they are in. They must navigate treacherous relationships with other OSS operatives and Nazi sympathizers, all while trying to keep their cover and stay alive.

The tension builds as Linda gets closer to discovering information about her family, and Ed's loyalty is tested when he realizes the extent of the danger they are in. In the end, they both make sacrifices for the cause they believe in and each other.

Shining Through is a gripping portrayal of espionage and romance set against the backdrop of one of the most tumultuous periods in history. It stars Melanie Griffith as Linda Voss and Michael Douglas as Ed Leland.


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