Shingles the Movie follows a group of five friends, all in their mid-twenties, who decide to have a sleepover after their annual Halloween party. To pass the time, they start sharing creepy and bizarre stories they've experienced that happened in their life. The tales range from encountering a ghostly woman in a deserted alleyway to discovering a humanoid creature lurking in an abandoned house.

As the night goes on, the tales become increasingly weirder, grosser, and more unnerving, until the lines between truth and fiction begin to blur. The group begins to question if the stories they're telling each other aren't entirely fictional, and if perhaps something supernatural is at work.

One of the friends, a skeptic and self-proclaimed ghost hunter, decides to investigate the stories, only to encounter an evil force that threatens to harm them all. The group becomes entangled in a web of horror, in which they're forced to confront their deepest fears and uncover the truth behind the tales they've been telling each other.

Throughout the movie, the audience is taken on a journey through different sub-genres of horror including haunted houses, urban legends, and supernatural beings. In the end, it's revealed that the tales the friends shared were not only real but also connected to a long-standing curse in their town, which they must confront together to overcome.

Shingles the Movie delivers a unique blend of horror and comedy, with a storyline that will keep audiences entertained, thrilled, and laughing until the very end.

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