Shine is a 2018 musical drama film directed by Anthony Nardolillo. The film follows the story of two brothers, Ralphi Matas (played by Jorge Burgos) and Junior (played by Gilbert Saldivar), who are passionate Salsa dancers from New York's Spanish Harlem. They have dreams of becoming professional dancers, but their plans are shattered when their father is killed in a violent crime.

After the tragedy, Ralphi struggles to keep his passion for dance alive, while Junior joins a gang and becomes involved in criminal activities. The brothers are separated for many years, but their paths cross again when Ralphi is hired to teach dance at a community center in Harlem, which is on the brink of gentrification.

Ralphi is determined to save the community center from being shut down and turned into a luxury condo, while Junior is now a property developer who is overseeing the gentrification project. As they work towards their opposing goals, they are forced to confront their past and the choices that led them down different paths.

Shine is a powerful story about family, community, and the impact of gentrification on marginalized neighborhoods. The film features breathtaking dance sequences, including a fierce battle between Ralphi and Junior in the streets of Harlem. The music and choreography beautifully capture the spirit of Salsa and its importance to the culture of Spanish Harlem.

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