As Violet becomes increasingly obsessed with Garrett, she begins to manipulate situations to drive a wedge between him and his wife, Sarah. She starts by subtly planting seeds of doubt in Sarah's mind about Garrett's loyalty and faithfulness. Violet also engineers situations where she can be alone with Garrett, creating opportunities for them to rekindle their past relationship.

As Violet's obsession grows, her behavior becomes more erratic and dangerous. She starts stalking Garrett and Sarah, leaving threatening messages and even sabotaging their belongings. Sarah becomes increasingly suspicious of Violet's intentions and confronts Garrett about their neighbor's unsettling behavior.

Garrett initially dismisses Sarah's concerns, believing that Violet is harmless and just a lonely woman seeking attention. However, as Violet's actions escalate and become more sinister, Garrett realizes the extent of her obsession and the danger she poses to his marriage.

In a dramatic climax, Violet is exposed for her manipulative and dangerous behavior, leading to a confrontation between her, Garrett, and Sarah. As the truth about Violet's true intentions is revealed, Garrett and Sarah must come together to protect their marriage and deal with the aftermath of Violet's obsession. The movie explores themes of love, obsession, and the destructive power of jealousy.

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