
Drama  N/A 

Shed is a powerful Australian drama that explores the themes of friendship, captivity, and courage. The film follows the story of an Aboriginal girl named Mary, who is held captive at a cattle station in the remote Australian outback. She is forced to work as a domestic servant for the station’s stockmen and is subjected to a range of abuses and mistreatment.

Despite her bleak situation, Mary manages to form a bond with an unlikely friend, a wild brumby horse that roams the station's land. The horse becomes Mary's only source of solace and freedom, and the pair form a deep and lasting connection.

As Mary continues to endure the harshness of her captivity, she slowly begins to find her own strength and courage. With the help of her friend, the brumby, Mary starts to plan her escape and sets out on a dangerous journey to freedom.

Throughout the film, Shed presents a confronting portrayal of the brutal treatment of Aboriginal people in Australia's history. It is a poignant and thought-provoking film that highlights the power of friendship, resilience, and the human spirit's unwavering strength. Shed is a gripping drama that will captivate audiences and leave a lasting impact.

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