She Made Them Do It is a crime drama film, based on a true story, that was released in 2013. The movie focuses on the life of Sarah Pender, who is portrayed as a charming and intelligent woman with a troubled past. After serving time in prison for a drug-related charge, Sarah is released on parole and embarks on a new life. However, when her new boyfriend becomes involved in a bank robbery, Sarah finds herself on the run from the law.

As the investigation into the bank robbery intensifies, Sarah's relationship with her boyfriend deteriorates, and she becomes increasingly erratic and desperate. The movie explores the complex psychology behind Sarah's actions, as well as the motivations of the people around her.

Throughout the film, flashbacks and interviews with Sarah's friends and acquaintances reveal a troubled past, filled with drug abuse, prostitution, and a series of tumultuous relationships. As the story unfolds, viewers are left to question whether Sarah is truly a victim of circumstance or a master manipulator who has engineered her own downfall.

Overall, She Made Them Do It is a gripping crime drama that offers a fascinating look at the darker side of human nature. Through strong performances and tense, dynamic storytelling, it sheds light on the pressures that can drive people to commit desperate and dangerous acts.

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