Sharper is an upcoming psychological thriller movie that revolves around the life of a cunning con artist named Lilly. She is a highly skilled and manipulative woman who uses her intelligence to con wealthy people out of their money. The movie centers around Lilly as she targets a small, wealthy family living in New York City.

At the heart of the family is a successful art dealer named Jules, his wife, Peggy, and their son, Theo. Lilly uses her charm and skills to get close to the family and gain their trust. However, as she gets deeper into their lives, she realizes that they are not as innocent as they seem.

Jules is dealing with a scandal that threatens to destroy his reputation and his business. Peggy is hiding a dark secret from her past, and Theo is struggling with his own personal demons. As Lilly works her way into their lives, she uncovers these secrets and uses them to her advantage.

The tension builds as Lilly's heist becomes more complicated, and she struggles to keep her own secrets hidden. The movie delves into themes of trust, greed, and betrayal as the family becomes progressively torn apart by lies and deceit.

Sharper features an all-star cast, including Julianne Moore as Lilly, Sebastian Stan as Jules, Jodie Turner-Smith as Peggy, and Justice Smith as Theo. The film is directed by Benjamin Caron and written by Brian Gatewood and Alessandro Tanaka. Sharper is set for release in 2022 and promises to be a riveting thriller that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

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