Shark Tale is a computer-animated comedy film released in 2004. The film takes place in an underwater world where Oscar, a small fish, dreams of living an extravagant life. He works at the local whale wash and constantly desires more than his mundane life. One day, he accidentally kills Frankie, the son of Don Lino, a powerful shark in the city. To cover his mistake, Oscar lies and tells everyone he killed Frankie to protect himself from getting eaten by Lenny, a vegetarian shark.

This lie propels Oscar into a new life as a hero of the city just as Lenny, who was in on the lie, is seen as a traitor to his own kind for being friends with a fish. The two strike up a friendship and try to keep up the lying ruse as they navigate their respective social hierarchies. Meanwhile, Don Lino seeks revenge for his son's supposed death and the tension between the sharks and the reef fish community escalates.

As the story progresses, Oscar and Lenny must find a way to reveal the truth and clear their names while maintaining their friendship. The film boasts an all-star cast of voice actors, including Will Smith as Oscar, Jack Black as Lenny, and Robert De Niro as Don Lino.

Shark Tale was a commercial success and received positive reviews for its witty humor and unique take on the classic ocean predator-prey relationship. The film's soundtrack features songs from popular artists such as Christina Aguilera, Missy Elliott, and Justin Timberlake.

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