
Drama  United States of America 

Shadows is a coming-of-age drama that focuses on the experiences of a young girl named Naya. In the fragile chapter of her life when she is transitioning from girlhood to womanhood, Naya is struggling to find her place in the world. On homecoming night, she decides to go out on her own and explore her independence, away from the watchful eyes of her family.

Throughout the night, Naya meets a variety of people who challenge her views on life and help her to see things in a new way. As she navigates the pitfalls and opportunities of growing up, she learns the importance of following her dreams and standing up for what she believes in.

Shadows is a powerful film that takes an honest and heartfelt look at the difficulties of adolescence. With its compelling characters, rich storyline, and emotion-packed scenes, it is a must-see for anyone who has ever struggled to find their way in life.

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