Shade is a 2003 crime thriller film directed by Damian Nieman. The movie features a group of successful con artists Tiffany (Thandie Newton), Charlie (Gabriel Byrne), Vernon (Stuart Townsend), and their new protégé Miller (Jamie Foxx). They are looking for a bigger score, and they decide to take down Dean "The Dean" Stevens (Sylvester Stallone), a legendary cardsharp who has never lost a game.

However, to play against The Dean, the con artists need to have a large sum of money. They strike a deal with fellow crook Larry Jennings (Melanie Griffith) to scam a local gangster named Malini (Hal Holbrook) and obtain the needed funds. But their plan goes wrong when Malini discovers their plot and takes back his money.

The group is now on the hook to repay Malini. Meanwhile, they continue their quest to take down The Dean, who is also one step ahead of them. Through a series of twists and turns, the con artists find themselves in a dangerous game that tests their skills and alliances against a backdrop of deception, betrayal, and risk.

Shade is a fast-paced thriller filled with exciting plot twists, snappy dialogue, and impressive card-playing sequences. It features a star-studded cast that delivers stellar performances, particularly Stallone and Byrne, who bring a level of gravitas to their roles as seasoned cardsharps. Foxx also shines in a supporting role, providing comic relief to the tense storyline. The film concludes with a satisfying twist that is sure to leave audiences guessing until the very end.

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