Watch Seven Years in May Movie high quality

Night of Revelations: A Journey of Truth and Survival

Documentary,Drama  Argentina,Brazil 

Seven Years in May is a Brazilian documentary film directed by Affonso Uchôa. The film tells the story of Rafael, a man who must take flight from his home after a run-in with men he doesn't know. Through a documentary style that seamlessly weaves together both narrative and non-fiction techniques, Seven Years in May follows Rafael's journey as a man forced to live on the streets and embrace a life of addiction and poverty.

The film is striking in its visual style, which combines handheld camera work with static shots and a keen eye for the details of the street life that Rafael lived. Uchôa's camera captures the gritty textures of Brazil's urban landscape, while also highlighting the strength and resilience of those citizens who have been forced to make the streets their home.

Throughout Seven Years in May, Rafael reflects on his experiences, discussing the importance of trust, love, and hope for surviving on the streets. The film also includes reflections from others suffering similarly, as it intercuts Rafael's story with interviews from other Brazilian citizens who have been victims of police brutality, poverty, and systemic corruption.

Overall, Seven Years in May is a powerful and poignant film that presents an intimate portrait of a man's struggle to survive in a challenging environment. Rafael's journey is one that is both heart-wrenching and hopeful, and it provides insight into the broader social and political challenges faced by Brazil's most marginalized citizens.

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