Senseless is a science fiction thriller movie that tells the story of a college student named Daryll Witherspoon, played by Marlon Wayans, who is given the opportunity to participate in a scientific experiment that promises to enhance his senses beyond normal human limits. Daryll, who is struggling to keep up with his studies and other personal issues, decides to participate in the experiment hoping it will give him a competitive edge.

The experiment turns out to be successful, and Daryll finds himself with hyper-acuity in all of his senses. He can see better, hear better, smell better, and touch better than any human before him. Soon, he realizes that his newfound senses come with a hefty price. He can no longer handle the mundane things of life, like drinking coffee or hearing people's whispers, as they overwhelm him.

While trying to navigate his way through his new world, Daryll is also approached by an executive recruiter who offers to give him a high paying corporate job if he proves to be the right candidate during a series of tests. The stakes are high for Daryll as he struggles to maintain his composure and protect his new powers from those who wish to exploit him.

Throughout the film, Daryll is reminded that the enhancement he received is only temporary, and excessive use of his increased senses could lead to permanent damage. He starts to question if the enhancement is worth the risks and if he can really handle the burden of his new powers responsibly.

Despite the movie's dark undertone, Senseless also incorporates humor and action scenes, making it an overall enjoyable movie to watch.

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