Semi-Tough is a 1977 comedy-drama film directed by Michael Ritchie and based on the novel of the same name by Dan Jenkins. The film follows the story of Billy Clyde Puckett (Burt Reynolds) and Marvin "Shake" Tiller (Kris Kristofferson), two professional football players who have been best friends since childhood and play for the same team owned by the beautiful and free-spirited Barbara Jane Bookman (Jill Clayburgh), who is also their close friend.

The three of them share a carefree lifestyle filled with wild parties and extravagant adventures. However, things get complicated when Barbara Jane falls in love with Shake and wants him to settle down and start a family. Billy Clyde is initially supportive of the relationship but soon realizes he also has feelings for Barbara Jane.

As the two men compete for her affections, their friendship is put to the test. The situation intensifies when they both join a self-improvement program led by a new age guru (Bert Convy), who challenges their beliefs and tests their loyalty.

The film also touches on several social and political issues of the time, including racism, feminism, and spirituality. Semi-Tough features an all-star cast that includes Robert Preston, Brian Dennehy, Carl Weathers, and Lotte Lenya.

Despite mixed reviews upon its release, Semi-Tough has since become a cult classic and is considered one of Burt Reynolds' most iconic roles. The film was followed by a sequel, North Dallas Forty, in 1979.

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