See You Next Christmas is a heartwarming romantic comedy that follows the story of Natalie and Logan, two young adults who have been attending the same holiday party for years. The party, organized by Annie and Tom Clark, is known as Clarkmas, and it's the highlight of the year for their group of friends.

Natalie and Logan are both single and have never had much luck with relationships. However, in each other's company, they hit it off right away. They share a mutual love for the festive season, and that alone is enough to keep them coming back to the party every year. As time passes, their friendship deepens, and they find themselves gravitating towards each other.

As the next Clarkmas party approaches, Natalie and Logan begin to realize that there might be a romantic spark between them. However, they're both unsure if it's wise to take things further and potentially ruin their friendship. On the night of the party, they both arrive with bated breath, not knowing what to expect.

Things start off well, and they're having a great time until they're both asked to help with the Christmas decorations. Working together, they find themselves caught in a moment, and they share an unexpected kiss. It's a turning point for both of them, and they decide to take a chance on each other and see where things go.

Over the next few weeks, as Christmas approaches, Natalie and Logan explore their budding relationship. They go on dates, exchange gifts, and share their hopes and dreams for the future. As the snow falls outside, they find themselves falling more and more in love.

When Christmas day arrives, Logan surprises Natalie with a romantic proposal, asking her to spend every Christmas together from now on. Overwhelmed with emotion, Natalie says yes, and they share a heartfelt kiss. As the movie ends, we see them cuddled up on the couch, watching the snow fall outside, grateful for the love they've found.

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