Seconds is a 1966 American science-fiction drama film directed by John Frankenheimer. The film is based on the novel "Seconds" by David Ely. It stars Rock Hudson, Salome Jens, John Randolph, and Will Geer.

The story revolves around a middle-aged man named Arthur Hamilton, who is bored with his life and feels trapped in his job and marriage. One day, he receives a mysterious invitation from a company called "The Company," which promises to give him a second chance at life.

He visits the company's secret location and meets a group of people who have all undergone the same radical procedure. The company alters their appearance and identity, then stages their "deaths" so they can start a new life with no ties to their former selves.

Arthur undergoes the procedure and becomes a new person named Tony Wilson. He moves to California and leads a new, exciting life. However, Tony soon realizes that he is still unhappy and unfulfilled.

As he tries to uncover the truth behind the company and his new identity, Tony discovers that The Company will go to any lengths to protect its secrets and keep its clients in line.

The film explores themes of identity, conformity, and the desire for a fresh start. It received critical acclaim at the time of its release and has since become a cult classic.

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